Offset CO2 Emissions

From commitment to action!

Offset your CO2 emissions and help enable social and clean technology projects. Since 2008, we have connected companies, individuals, and cities interested in offsetting their CO2 emissions to projects committed to generating social and environmental benefits for their surroundings.

Main ways to participate in Carbon Fair:


Buy credits to offset the emissions of a company, project, or day-to-day activities.


Access the Carbon Fair Trade platform to evaluate projects with available credits and buy, store, transfer, and retire (offset) credits whenever you want.


Recycling and/or reuse, Composting, Biodigesters, Water purifiers, and other waste management projects.


Main ways to participate in Carbon Fair:

Achieve environmental commitments and goals by developing or supporting social and environmental projects.nnParticipate and help enable social and environmental projects that need the financial incentive of carbon credits to exist.nnEncourage science and the low-carbon economy. All projects with the CFS - Carbon Fair Standard are verified by recognized research institutes and companies and have their solutions based on nature (Nature Based Solutions) and research (hard science).nnAccess a group of selected and evaluated social and environmental projects by experts and recognized research institutes.nnOffset your CO2 emissions and support certified environmental projects by purchasing carbon credits.nnAchieve environmental commitments and goals by developing or supporting social and environmental projects.nnBuy and store carbon credits to use them when you want.nnStore carbon credits and use them to offset the CO2 emissions of your customers.nnObtain Carbon Neutralization Seals and Certificates.nnEngage customers and stakeholders by sending carbon neutralization certificates.

How can I know if the projects are really making a difference?

All projects available on the platform follow international standards for carbon credit methodology and verification, such as the VCS. All projects under the CFS standard follow the VCS methodology and have social and local differentials. Before adding a project to the platform, it undergoes a rigorous analysis process by our team, external specialized consultancy, and a research center or other specialized company. The project must meet all criteria for additionality and environmental, social, and economic benefits.nnAdditionality refers to actual emission reductions that would not occur without the financial incentive of the carbon credit or are not common market practices. Finally, all carbon purchase and offsetting are recorded transparently, traceably, and auditable, with blockchain technology, giving you the certainty that your purchase was effective and benefited the socio-environmental project.

Calculate your CO2 emissions

Icone de calculadora de CO2


Carbon Neutral Shipping

Icone de calculadora de CO2

Neutral Pass

Icone de calculadora de CO2

Neutral Pass

Icone de calculadora de CO2